A blog for reviewing YA, children's, classics and whatever I feel like.
Also for discussing developments in the the book world, specifically in the St. Paul, Minnesota.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Trumpeter of Krakow

Author: Eric P. Kelly
Review Writer: Book Girl
Year it won the Newbery: 1929
A family of three is traveling into Krakow, the capital of Poland, because their house and fields were burned up by bandits. Joseph a young boy, saves the niece of a scholar from a dog bite, so Joseph and his parents and his parents are offered apartments. The father is offered a job being the trumpeter at a church at night. He needs to sound the gong on the hour and play a hymn in the four directions. Everything is going well, until bandits start attacking the family for a pumpkin. And to find out what happens next, read the book!

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